Demystifying GPU Specifications for Machine Learning & AI Use Cases

When selecting GPUs for training or deploying large deep learning models, several crucial technical specifications should be carefully considered:

Tensor Cores: The Engines of Deep Learning

Tensor cores are specialized hardware accelerators designed to efficiently execute matrix multiplication, the cornerstone of deep learning computations. Since deep learning workloads are highly parallelizable, having a greater number of tensor cores generally translates to improved performance.

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Memory Capacity: Storing the Data

The amount of onboard memory, typically measured in gigabytes (GB), determines the capacity to store the training data and intermediate results. Larger models demand more memory, both for training and inference.

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Memory Bandwidth: Accessing Data Efficiently

Memory bandwidth measures the rate at which data can be transferred to and from the GPU, measured in gigabytes per second (GB/s). In many cases, tensor cores may be idle while waiting for matrices to be moved in and out of memory. Adequate memory bandwidth is essential for optimal performance.

Use our real-time price per GB GPU ranking to find the best performance for your money.

Precision Matters: Balancing Accuracy and Efficiency

Deep learning models can be trained and deployed using different precision levels, such as single-precision (FP32), half-precision (FP16), or mixed precision (FP32/FP16). Each GPU has different performance for different precision levels, significantly impacting training and inference performance.

FP32 Performance

Measured in teraflops (TFLOPS), FP32 performance indicates the GPU's speed in processing 32-bit floating-point operations.

Use our real-time price per FP32 FLOPs GPU ranking to find the best performance for your money.

FP16 Performance

Also measured in teraflops (TFLOPS), FP16 performance indicates the GPU's speed in handling 16-bit floating-point operations.

Use our real-time price per FP16 FLOPs GPU ranking to find the best performance for your money.

INT8 Performance

Measured in tera-operations per second (TOPS), INT8 performance indicates the GPU's speed in processing 8-bit integer operations.

Use our real-time price per INT8 TOPs GPU ranking to find the best performance for your money.

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Choosing the Right Precision: A Delicate Balance

The most commonly used precision levels in state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models are FP32 and FP16. FP32 (single-precision) is the standard precision format, offering high accuracy but also demanding significant computational resources and memory bandwidth. FP16 (half-precision) strikes a balance between accuracy and efficiency, reducing memory requirements and computational costs by using 16-bit floating-point numbers instead of 32-bit.

The choice of precision depends on the specific model and application. Some models may experience significant accuracy degradation when using lower precision, while others may not. Generally, it's essential to evaluate the particular model and its intended use to determine the relevant precision levels.

Quantization: Evolving Techniques for Lower Precision

Quantization techniques are continuously evolving to enable effective use of lower precisions in deep learning. These techniques, such as post-training quantization, involve optimizing the model's weights and activations to lower precision formats without compromising accuracy.

For a deeper dive into quantization techniques, refer to the article:

Quantization in Machine Learning and Deep Learning